The Truth about the Law of Attraction

Preethi Sonia
7 min readFeb 10, 2022
Picture Courtesy — Austin Chan on Unsplash

There is a running debate on whether manifestation and the law of attraction is a real thing or just woo woo. I cannot speak for everyone but personally have seen a lot of evidence in favour of this wonderful technique in my life so YES, I’m definitely a believer.

If the sceptics amongst you are scoffing by this point that’s ok maybe as you read on, you’ll begin to believe or maybe not. We’ll see.

For those of you who do believe in it or would like to, but have no idea how it works, then maybe this is what you needed to read today.

There was a time when ‘The Secret’ written by Rhonda Byrne was all the rage. After all who wouldn’t like to draw in a bit of magic into their lives by visualising their best life ever right? If only it were that easy. There is so much more to this technique.

Detailed visualisation is a key component of manifestation of course. As the famous saying goes, You cannot be what you cannot see. It is important to go into every minute detail of how you want your future to look. Think of it like building a house. Without a detailed floor plan there will be no house or at least not one that sustains itself for the years to follow.

Here is the process I follow and that has worked for me. Feel free to tweak it in the way that works best for you while keeping the key elements constant.


Close your eyes and see the images, hear the sounds and feel the emotions that come up when you visualise your desired future. Take some amount of time to imagine it in vivid detail as it will help with the next part of the exercise. It is important to feel the corresponding emotions too as those high vibe emotions will attract the high vibe frequency of that desired reality as ‘like attracts like’.

Visuals into words

Grab yourself a journal or a sheet of paper and a pen. Answer these questions in as much detail as you can immediately after your visualisation exercise

· What does the future look like?

· How many years down the line do you see this future? (Make sure to keep this figure realistic — not too short where it seems ridiculous and not long where it seems pointless)

· What is your body language like when you see yourself in that future?

· What are your beliefs?

· Who is with you?

· What are their attitudes?

· Where are you? (location/setting)

· How does this future make you feel? (Emotions are a key component of visualising accurately as mentioned earlier)

· What does each day look like in your future reality?

· How does that future make you feel?

· Is there anything else you wish to add to your notes, at the end of this journaling exercise?

If this exercise seems challenging to do all at once, take a break for a couple of hours and get back to the exercise. Do not push this journaling activity beyond a day as some details from your visualisation exercise may fall out of your conscious awareness the next day. If you still feel overwhelmed, look at it from a place of playfulness and then write it down.

What if this exercise helps me create the life of my dreams — your mind will automatically tune into getting you the responses you need.

Putting your new reality into words offers a visual representation of what your desired future looks like. Use it as a guide to continue to visualise this reality every night as you go to sleep so that you see that image in the forefront of your mind in all its intricate detail. What this does is that it activates the energy field in the direction of this desired reality.

Energy is everywhere. It depends on what frequency you are tuned into as that is what you attract to yourself. When you feel certain emotions associated with that desired future, then that future will be magnetised to you.

For example, if you want to listen to pop music then you need to specifically tune the radio to that frequency. If you don’t do that, you will either hear noise or an entirely different genre of music. Similarly, if you want to have a job that lights you up or you want to become financially independent or perhaps even find the love of your life, you need to be tuned into the right energetic frequency.

Your work is partly done when you visualise clearly, as your mind opens itself up to that possibility. It starts to think of your future with that goal, front and centre and will generate prompts and ideas to bring you that desired reality. Suddenly the part of your brain that notices things — your reticular activating system (RAS) will bring the right opportunities or people to your attention, so you can slowly move closer to the life of your dreams.

It will initially start off as an idea (which is essentially energy) and if translated into intentional action then every day you get closer to that new reality. Even if it scares you, get out of your comfort zone and do things imperfectly but do it all the same.

Manifestation only has two mortal enemies :

DOUBT — Doubting that you deserve that reality or how something like that can ever manifest into your life will automatically block it from coming to you. You are manifesting from a place of scarcity and it will attract more scarcity. It is like the static you hear between two radio channels. It isn’t productive and can be really frustrating.

You need to be physically, mentally and emotionally aligned with your manifested goal. That’s when you are in tune with what you desire when you believe that it will come to you.

The universe is vast and there is always enough for everyone. Your beliefs make your reality. Beliefs are housed deep within the subconscious mind and are created by the experiences you have in your life. When you are born, your mind can be likened to a blank canvas but slowly it begins to fill up with the color of your own opinions, beliefs and attitudes. But just like we let go of our childhood beliefs about the tooth fairy and Santa Clause being real, we can also let go of any other beliefs that keep us feeling stuck and disempowered. We can choose to believe that seeing our best life in the forefront of our mind and taking action every day will definitely get us to the life we desire.

TIME FRAME — While it is imperative one has a clear idea of the future they truly desire, tethering it to a timeline can put a spoke in the wheel. The whole idea of manifestation is to place blind trust in your desired future.

The universe will find ways to bring it to you in ways you cannot even imagine. Just open your mind to the possibility of miracles and be prepared to be surprised in the best way possible.

Two years ago, I was broke, and had to take care of my young daughters all by myself. Bills were mounting up and I needed to put food on the table. I had no idea where the next pay check would come from. Life had thrown me a curve ball but I didn’t have time to sit down and feel sorry for myself. I had to figure out what I wanted my future to look like. That’s when I did what is detailed out here from a place of abundance (even though I wasn’t in that place back then) and a place of certainty.

Two years hence I have exactly the life I had envisioned back then. My work lights me up, I work with the best people in the industry and learn so much, I do what I love and I love what I do. I have the flexibility to spend time with my girls. No more 9 to 5 jobs and working for life sapping bosses. I am my own boss and I decide my own schedule. I make good money and bring value to the people I work with and that is the most fulfilling way to work isn’t it.

There were so many well-meaning folks in my life back then that didn’t believe in my vision or were sceptical of my abilities but I kept on going because I knew what I wanted.

I haven’t arrived by any measure but I certainly have come a long way. My bigger life goal is way out there in the future but I’m on course with my steadfast beliefs in myself and my future serving as a beacon.

I have been amazed by the miracles in my life and the wonderful humans who have found their way to me. I am grateful for every one of them and I cherish their presence.

So, visualise, believe and take IMPERFECT ACTION. It beats INACTION any day coz with the former you will definitely learn and grow every day. You can use it to course correct and take more action to make your dreams a reality.




Preethi Sonia

A professional hypnotist who can help you get from WHERE YOU ARE to where YOU WANT TO BE. (